ESXi install from raid 1+10 (with hot spares 2 disk) example: ( HP)
From remote desktop, start internet explorer, go to:
https://IP (IPMI)
Default login as: USER_NAME/PASSWORD ( for HP box)
—> from web console, go to “Licensing” under “administration”, install “Activation Key” from other host if no key installed, otherwise, skip it.
—> go “remote console” —> run “Launch”
—> on keyboard above in window, choose “CTR-ATL-DEL”
—> Follow window’s pop-ups, do add..add, then start
—> in next window, choose “F10” —> choose HP smart administration
—> Array Config / Config / Create Array
—> select first 2 disk “600GB/600GB” as flag-ed —> create array
—> choose “rard 1”, “64kb/64kb” —> create logical drive.
—> Go to “Array Config / Set bootable Logical Drive /Volume”/select ”Logical Drive 1” in the first line for first logical boot disk ( two checks need to done), then save.
—> Array Config / Config / Create Array
—> select 4 of 6 disks as flag-ed —> create array
—> choose “rard 10”, “64kb/64kb” —> create logical drive/Manage Spare Drive/select last 2 disk/ save /finish
—> exit windows, then power off / on at window in up-right corner/reboot, wait until boot window showing up, choose “install ESXi…”, the install will done automatically in next 20 —30 minutes.
ESXi install from raid 1+10 (with hot spares 2 disk) example: ( Dell)
–> From firefox: go to http://IP (IPMI)
–> Login defaul: USER_NAME/PASSWORD
–> Choose “Keep Default Password”
–> Check “iDRAC Settings”/Network/IPv4 Settings to confirm IP info
–> go to “Overview”/Server/Quick Launch Tasks/ “Power On / OFF”, click it to have “Power State” show “ON”
–> Launch “Virtual Console Preview”, once the console is up, choose “Macros/Ctrl-Alt-Del” to reboot, then from
–> Windows Kayboard, hit “Ctrl+R” to go to Bios,
–> inside Bios, go to the top line “PERC H710P****”, then “fn+f2” if you use Mac keyboard, from windows Keyboard, –> directly hit “F2”, then “Create New VD”, return/enter to choose “raid-1”, select first two disk, give “VD Name” –> as “boot”, select “Advanced Settings”/ “Initialize”, then “OK” to save,
–> Move cursor to top line again, hit enter, to start other disk disk group “Raid 10” setup, select first 4 disk, –> leave 2 disk NOT selected, give “VD Name” as “data”, then select “Advanced Settings”/initialize/ok, then select –> “Configure HotSpare” next to “initialize”, then ok, then select last 2 disk for “Hot Spares”, OK to save.
–> Verify, then “esc” to exit the setup, then “Macros/Ctrl-Alt-Del” to reboot.
–> Done.
Next Step is ESXi / Linux OS install, you can choose to Jumstart from your local image or from PXE install server.